Arthur Middleton


Scientist, Project Leader

Arthur Middleton

Arthur is an assistant professor of wildlife ecology, management and policy at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also a research associate of both the Wyoming Migration Initiative and the Draper Museum of Natural History. He works on the ecology of predator-prey interactions and animal movements, with current field projects in the Rocky and Andes Mountains. In addition to his research, Arthur is interested in improving science communication and ecosystem management in the landscapes where he works. He completed his Ph.D. in 2012 at the University of Wyoming and conducted his postdoctoral research at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. Along with Joe Riis, Arthur was awarded the 2013 Camp Monaco Prize by Prince Albert II of Monaco for linking research and public outreach on the subject of trans-boundary wildlife migrations in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. The Camp Monaco Prize provided the seed funding and inspiration that allowed Joe and Arthur to initiate this evolving project.

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